Revitalizing Complexion Boost

Our skin is a calling card to the world and is the first thing that others may notice about our appearance. A clear, radiant, and youthful complexion is a source of self-confidence for many individuals, yet with the aging process and exposure to the sun, the skin may slowly lose its vitality. Our state-of-the-art skin rejuvenation treatments can revitalize your appearance, optimizing your quality of life.

Woman with her arm over her head smiling

Why Choose The LaVie Institute?

Our four board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons deliver comprehensive, patient-centric care in a state-of-the-art accredited facility where each client encounters trust, transparency, and unwavering integrity. The LaVie Institute is home to a cutting-edge 8-room clinic along with 2 onsite operating theaters, equipped with among the latest in advanced technology. This translates to the highest standards of safety, a comfortable, swift patient experience, and an outcome that exceeds expectations.

What is Skin Rejuvenation?

Over the years, the skin is impacted by a variety of environmental factors, including the sun’s harmful UV rays. In addition, the body’s core youth-enhancing compounds, such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin are slowly being depleted, resulting in wrinkles, lines, sagging, and volume loss. A patient may also be dealing with skin imperfections that are unique to their complexions, such as enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation, or rosacea. 

Skin rejuvenation can address a wide range of aesthetic concerns, restoring a more radiant, inviting countenance. Some modalities work by removing the outer damaged skin layers, while others help to boost collagen production, rejuvenating the complexion from within. During your private consultation, our team will create the ideal skincare regimen for you, performing a detailed skin analysis and review of your medical history. We may combine skin rejuvenation treatments to provide comprehensive improvement.

What Skin Rejuvenation Treatments Are Offered at The LaVie Institute?

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels work by exfoliating the outermost layers of damaged skin to reveal a more pristine and glowing complexion. Peels are formulated as mild, medium, and deep to address a wide range of ailments and texture irregularities.

IPL Photofacial

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. Unlike laser treatments, IPL delivers multiple wavelengths of light to root out skin inconsistencies. It is ideal for treating a wide range of conditions, including acne, stretch marks, dark spots, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, rosacea, spider veins, and more.

Ablative Laser

An ablative laser delivers intense light energy to the surface of the skin, clearing away debris, dirt, oil, sun damage, and other imperfections. The treatment also triggers collagen regeneration, helping to smooth away lines, wrinkles, and creases from the inside out. The new skin that forms is tighter, firmer, and more youthful.


During microneedling, a series of fine needles are used to penetrate the skin, triggering the skin’s natural self-healing mechanism of collagen regeneration. Collagen is a key protein that hydrates, smooths, and firms the complexion from within. Microneedling can be combined with RF energy or PRP to enhance results.


Microdermabrasion utilizes a minimally invasive handheld instrument to gently exfoliate the skin, removing the damaged, uneven outer layer. The treatment is ideal for addressing discoloration, enlarged pores, lines and wrinkles, acne, sun damage, light scarring, and stretch marks. The microdermabrasion process can also help offset the loss of collagen, a vital protein that helps build a strong, vital skin scaffolding.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP contains vital growth factors that help treat a range of aesthetic concerns, including the signs of aging and hair loss. A Vampire Facial involves PRP delivered to the skin as part of a microneedling session, which combats superficial imperfections in the short run while ensuring longer-term collagen renewal. 

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Who is an Ideal Candidate for Skin Rejuvenation?

Clients dealing with the onset of the signs of aging who are not ready for invasive surgery make excellent candidates for skin rejuvenation techniques. Naturally,  these modalities can be combined with any surgical procedure to enhance results and combat additional concerns, such as volume loss or hyperpigmentation after a facelift, neck lift, or blepharoplasty. 

The best way to determine your candidacy is to meet with our caring team for a private consultation. We will use this time to investigate all of your complexion issues, devising a complete treatment plan that meets your needs and that will lead to a successful, long-lasting outcome. Because many skin rejuvenation treatments are minimally invasive, patients may require multiple sessions to achieve their unique goals.

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