Denver Arm Lift

Excess drooping skin in the upper arms can detract from an otherwise youthful physique, causing the patient to avoid wearing their favorite sleeveless outfits. Our arm lift in Denver can remove redundant skin folds and excess fatty tissue, restoring a balanced, elegant silhouette and a positive self-image.

Blonde woman in bra laying on bed

Why Choose The LaVie Institute of Plastic Surgery?

At The LaVie Institute, we provide the combined expertise, skill, and artistry of four board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons who are dedicated to patient safety and success. We understand that our clients are on a life journey and deserve customized care in a state-of-the-art setting. We strive to provide a comprehensive, personalized experience and superior aesthetic outcomes to exceed expectations and elevate overall quality of life.

What is an Arm Lift?

Sagging skin in the upper arms may be related to genetic factors, or it may be a result of the gradual aging process that happens to us all. Substantial weight loss may also contribute to a less than ideal upper body profile. For most clients, this redundant skin cannot be removed through dieting and exercise and requires a surgical intervention in order to contour and sculpt the physique. 

Many patients forego their enjoyment of sleeveless tops and dresses due to self-consciousness about their upper arms. In certain cases, excess hanging skin can lead to chafing, irritation, and discomfort as well. Our arm lift in Denver can combat these concerns, removing excess skin and fat and restoring a toned, slender appearance that makes the client look more youthful. 

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What Can an Arm Lift Do For Me?

  • Removes excess hanging skin and tissue in the upper arms
  • Tightens and tones the arms, improving contours
  • Creates a firmer, more youthful silhouette
  • Combats skin ptosis after massive weight loss
  • Corrects changes in the physique due to aging
  • Eradicates “bat wings”
  • Reduces chafing, irritation, and discomfort
  • Enhances self-confidence

Our Cutting-Edge Facility

The LaVie Institute boasts a welcoming and relaxing decor with 8 climate-controlled clinic rooms to ensure no patient is ever kept waiting. We have two onsite accredited operating theaters that provide our board-certified plastic surgeons with the latest advanced technology and equipment, optimizing their precision. 

For hand and reconstructive procedures, we provide access to our world-class hospital-based clinic, affiliated with the prestigious Swedish Medical Center as well as other top-tier outpatient surgery centers. Our goal is always to provide a client-focused approach, natural results, and an unwavering dedication to safety that ensures continued peace of mind.

Swedish Medical Center in Denver

What Are the Benefits?

  • A more toned, streamlined upper body appearance
  • Increased clothing options
  • A boost in self-confidence
  • Patients can get more out of their workouts
  • A long-lasting, natural-looking outcome

Who Makes a Good Candidate?

  • Localized skin and fat in the upper arms
  • Chafing or irritation caused by excess hanging skin
  • Contour changes due to aging or weight loss
  • Mentally and physically healthy non-smoker
  • Has realistic expectations based on their private consultation
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How is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?

Arm lift surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis at our world-class in-office operating suite, accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). The procedure typically takes 2-4 hours. If other treatments such as a mommy makeover are combined with an arm lift, total recovery time may be extended. The techniques and incisions used are always personalized to your individual anatomy, lifestyle, scarring concerns, comfort levels, and aesthetic tastes.

Our arm lift in Denver can be performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation with local anesthesia. Your surgeon will help decide the best type of anesthesia for you during your private consultation. During surgery, the doctor will trim away excess sagging skin, reshaping the upper arm contours to appear more elegant, toned, and youthful. Redundant skin folds known as "bat wings" will be eliminated. Localized fat can be addressed via liposuction. Your surgeon will always go to great lengths to ensure scarring is well-hidden and inconspicuous.

In terms of incision placement, your surgeon will choose from a short-scar arm lift to address mild skin ptosis (the incision is placed within the folds of the armpit); a limited incision arm lift to address moderate excess skin (the incision stretches from the armpit to the mid upper arm); a conventional arm lift to combat moderate to severe skin laxity (the incision extends from the armpit to the elbow); or an extended arm lift to correct severe skin laxity (the incision runs from the armpit to the elbow and may extend to the chest wall).

Can An Arm Lift Be Combined With Other Procedures?

An arm lift is often combined with additional body contouring procedures, such as gynecomastia treatment, a breast lift, breast reduction or augmentation, a thigh lift, a tummy tuck, or a full body mommy makeover. Our team can also perform facial rejuvenation treatments for you in tandem with your brachioplasty. Liposuction is a natural addition to an arm lift and is used to combat excess fat.

Combining surgical procedures can help reduce overall costs, discomfort, and recovery time, allowing patients to streamline their makeovers. If you are interested in pursuing additional treatments, be sure to discuss this with us during your private consultation. We can create a customized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs.

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Dr. Daniali is an extraordinary surgeon and has an amazing personality. Her surgical skills are unparalleled and our city is fortunate to have her. She is one of the most considerate and compassionate doctors I have ever met. My surgery experience with her was entirely successful and I highly recommend her for any reconstructive or plastic surgery needs.

Steve Howell

What Can I Expect After Arm Lift Surgery?

Your recovery timeline will depend on your personal healing abilities along with the specific techniques that were used during your surgery. Our team will provide detailed aftercare instructions that go over caring for your wounds, sleeping, bathing, resuming exercise and lifting, and returning to work and your normal routine. Swelling may persist for several weeks, but you will be fitted with a compression garment that helps to minimize it. Pain medications will be provided to help keep you comfortable and at ease.

At The LaVie Institute, your treatment doesn’t end once you step outside our doors. We will continue to monitor your healing, ensuring a seamless recovery experience that is free from stress. We will answer any questions that arise and schedule you for regular follow-up visits. We love to hear success stories from former clients who are now wearing all their favorite swimwear, tops, and dresses and who are experiencing a new enhanced level of self-esteem and confidence, thanks to their personalized arm lift surgery.

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