Stubborn Fat Solution

For individuals who are struggling with localized pockets of stubborn fat despite consistent efforts at the gym and a healthy diet, our liposuction in Denver may be an ideal solution. The procedure is performed to sculpt the body’s curves, optimizing clothing choices while enhancing self-confidence. Liposuction is often a component of a mommy makeover and can also be performed in tandem with an arm lift, thigh lift, abdominoplasty, or body contouring after weight loss procedure.

Woman getting stomach examined by doctor

Why Select The LaVie Institute for Liposuction?

Our four board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons provide personalized care in an immaculate, safety-oriented environment. Our onsite accredited operating theaters offer access to state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge equipment, helping to expedite recovery and minimize complications.

We recognize that each patient is on a unique life journey, and our goal is to support them through nuanced and natural-looking outcomes tailored to their individual needs and aesthetic goals. We believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge, information, and insight they deserve in order to make the best decisions possible.

What is Liposuction?

Many individuals think of liposuction as a weight-loss method, but it is actually a fat-loss procedure to contour and sculpt the physique in areas that are highly resistant to dieting and exercise. Ideal candidates are already at or close to their ideal weight but are unhappy with localized pockets of stubborn fat. The procedure can help obtain a better fit in clothing as well as an optimized self-image.

Liposuction is an extremely versatile procedure that is frequently performed in tandem with other cosmetic treatments to maximize results. It is also used as a component of fat transfer procedures to harvest fat cells from a donor region such as the hips, belly, or flanks. Liposuction techniques include tumescent lipo, SmartLipo (laser lipo), ultrasonic lipo, and power-assisted lipo. 

What Areas Can Be Treated With Lipo?

  • Upper arms
  • Thighs
  • Stomach
  • Back
  • Male chest
  • Bra rolls
  • Hips
  • Waist
  • Buttocks
  • Neck
  • Chin
  • Knees
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How is the Procedure Performed?

During your consultation, our team will create a treatment plan to address the areas of your body in need of sculpting via liposuction. Your surgeon will create small incisions in the treatment areas that are well-hidden to minimize future scarring. A slender tube called a cannula is then inserted and used to suction out the fat cells. 

While the procedure may sound simple, it requires the eye and hand of a trained artist in order to ensure that neither too much nor too little fat is removed and that the final result is elegant, natural-looking, and personalized. Our team is dedicated to achieving your ideal look and creating the dramatic yet tasteful outcomes you seek.


  • Removes stubborn pockets of localized fat
  • Sculpts and refines the body’s curves
  • Enhances the results of other surgical procedures
  • Helps expand wardrobe options
  • Boosts self-confidence
  • Helps patients get more out of their workouts


  • In good mental and physical health
  • Non-smoking, or willing to quit before and after surgery
  • Free from any uncontrolled medical concerns
  • A realistic, positive attitude
  • Has not obtained results through dieting and exercise


What is the difference between liposuction and tummy tuck surgery?

Will I have loose skin after liposuction?

What are the risks associated with liposuction?

Are the results from liposuction permanent?

Will I have visible scarring?

What is the difference between liposuction and tummy tuck surgery?

A tummy tuck addresses excess sagging skin in the midsection and weakened, separated abdominal muscles. Liposuction is used to remove pockets of stubborn localized fat that is compromising and distorting the figure. The two treatments are often combined to create comprehensive improvement.

Will I have loose skin after liposuction?

Liposuction can remove fat but it is not the ideal choice for combating sagging, redundant skin folds. If you are concerned with loose skin, a thigh lift, tummy tuck, arm lift, or body contouring after weight loss procedure may be the best option, combined with liposuction.

What are the risks associated with liposuction?

Every surgical procedure comes with risks but our team does everything possible to minimize complications by adhering to a conservative, detail-oriented approach. Risks include bleeding, infection, swelling, bruising, scarring, and temporary numbness. We will discuss the risks in more detail during your private consultation.

Are the results from liposuction permanent?

The fat cells removed during liposuction will not come back. If the patient does accumulate fat after the procedure, it will be distributed more evenly across the body. Our team recommends following a healthy diet and exercise regimen after treatment to ensure the longevity of your results.

Will I have visible scarring?

The incisions with liposuction are small, so scarring is typically inconspicuous. Incisions are placed in areas where they will be the least noticeable, such as the natural skin folds.

Recovery After Liposuction

Most patients can resume normal activities within the first week after their liposuction in Denver and typically only need mild painkillers to contend with discomfort. Minor swelling, bruising, and tenderness may be present, as well as tingling or temporary numbness. These are all normal side effects of surgery and will disappear gradually in the coming weeks. You will be fitted with a compression garment to keep your sculpted contours intact, which should be worn for up to one month.

You will receive a detailed aftercare plan with instructions for wound care, bathing and showering, sleeping, resuming exercise, and returning to work. Be forewarned that it can take up to 6 months for residual swelling to fade and for you to see the full and final results of liposuction. As with all our procedures, we provide ongoing support throughout your recovery, scheduling regular follow-up visits to ensure your healing is progressing seamlessly.

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I was a patient of Dr. Daniali for over a year. She treats each patient as an individual, with respect and caring.  She and her staff helped with all aspects of my healing process. Very happy with the outcome.  I would recommend her to my friends.

Cynthia Vaughan

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