Revitalizing Eyelid Surgery

Over time, factors such as sun damage, an unhealthy lifestyle, and the natural aging process can all have an effect on the appearance of the eyes. Aging in the eye region often manifests as excess skin in the upper lids, which can obscure vision, or bags beneath the eyes that make the patient look fatigued. Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, helps revitalize the upper face, restoring a vibrant, youthful aesthetic.

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Why Choose The LaVie Institute of Plastic Surgery?

At The LaVie Institute, we provide each client with personalized, concierge care in an accredited, state-of-the-art practice setting. Our world-class facility boasts an 8-room clinic and 2 onsite operating theaters, equipped with among the most advanced technology available. For hand and reconstructive procedures, patients enjoy access to our hospital-based clinic, affiliated with the Swedish Medical Center.

We understand that each patient is on a unique life journey, and it is our aim to empower them through strategic treatments that fulfill their wishes and allow them to achieve their individual dreams. Our greatest joy is seeing a patient’s face light up when they view their beautiful, natural-looking results for the first time.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that can be used to address issues in both the upper and lower eyelids. It is a customizable treatment that can meet the individual needs of the patient. While eyelid surgery is known to address excess skin, it can also tighten the muscles responsible for lifting the lids. 

Every patient has slightly different concerns. Some are more prone to heavy upper eyelids that sag due to excess fat. Other patients may be struggling with heavy lower eyelids that look puffy or have developed under-eye bags. A custom eyelid surgery is able to address all of these issues. 

What Are the Benefits of Eyelid Surgery?

  • Reduces hooding of the upper eyelids
  • Reduces bags and puffiness beneath the eyes
  • Improves the patient’s vision
  • Diminishes fine lines and wrinkles 
  • Preserves the patient’s natural beauty 
  • Corrects concerns related to aging 
  • Tightens underlying muscle groups
  • Creates a more youthful-looking smile
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Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a popular treatment to reduce fine lines and dark circles around the eyes, puffy bags underneath the eyes, and sagging skin above the eyes that may obscure vision. The procedure works by smoothing out and tightening the skin and muscle in both the upper and lower eyelids, giving patients a younger, more refreshed aesthetic.

As with all other cosmetic surgeries, ideal candidates for eyelid surgery are non-smokers that are in good physical and mental health and have pragmatic expectations for the outcomes of the procedure. We will perform a detailed consultation and physical examination to ensure eyelid surgery will be a safe and successful option for achieving your goals.

How is the Procedure Performed?

Surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia or can be performed with IV sedation and local anesthesia, depending on your treatment plan. For upper blepharoplasty, incisions are created within the natural folds of the upper lids. The surgeon removes excess tissue, trims pockets of fat, and tightens the muscles before closing the incisions with fine sutures.

For lower blepharoplasty, the surgeon creates tiny incisions inside the lower lids or within the lower lash lines, where scarring is naturally hidden and inconspicuous. Excess fat and tissue are excised and the underlying muscles are tightened. Sutures are then closed with fine sutures. Lower and upper blepharoplasty are often combined to comprehensively revitalize the upper face and create a more inviting expression.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Eyelid surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, and patients are able to return home after just a short rest. Clients will need help getting home and carrying out household activities for at least the first day. Patients should aim to rest as much as possible for the first week. During this period, the head should be kept elevated (to ensure proper blood circulation) and any activities that will cause strain to the eyes, such as watching copious amounts of television, should be avoided.

It is normal for patients to experience some swelling and bruising around the eye area after blepharoplasty. These symptoms can temporarily obscure vision, but they usually fade away on their own as the swelling dissipates. Eye drops can be employed to help mitigate any dryness or itching of the eyes. Most blepharoplasty patients are able to get back to work and their daily routines in about seven to 10 days. Nonetheless, they should refrain from engaging in any strenuous activity for at least one to two weeks.

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Dr. Pulikkottil is very professional and caring. He is always available for any questions and to explain my surgery at a level I can understand it. Dr. Pulikkottil put together a staff I always look forward to seeing. My surgery went exactly as described, and I feel my healing is going better than he described. A big thank you for making my experience better than originally described.

Ed Hawthorne

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