Sculpted Leg Lift

For patients who have not been able to achieve their ideal body contouring results through dieting and exercise, our thigh lift in Denver can help achieve a more sculpted upper leg appearance. The surgery can be performed to reshape both the inner and outer thighs, removing excess skin, fat, and tissue for a leaner silhouette. 

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Why Choose The LaVie Institute for a Thigh Lift?

Our team of world-class board-certified plastic surgeons practices a comprehensive, patient-centric approach that empowers clients to achieve their unique visions for aesthetic improvement. By combining unparalleled skill and artistry with personalized attention in a safe, accredited environment, we aim to exceed patient expectations at every juncture.

What is a Thigh Lift?

After significant weight loss or the aging process, excess skin and fat can accumulate in the thigh area, compromising the appearance and making it difficult to find a comfortable fit in jeans, shorts, and skirts. Many patients hide their legs due to self-consciousness about their thighs, despite having accomplished their individual weight loss goals. 

Our thigh lift in Denver is a surgical procedure to slim, tone, and rejuvenate the upper legs. When coupled with a healthy lifestyle, the procedure can dramatically rejuvenate your physique. We believe that weight loss should be rewarded with a positive self-image and enhanced confidence, not another aesthetic problem to contend with.

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Benefits of Thighplasty

  • Removes redundant skin and pockets of fat
  • Sculpts the upper legs after aging or weight loss
  • Enhances self-confidence and self-image
  • Expands clothing opportunities
  • Can contour both the inner and outer thighs

Candidacy for Thighplasty

  • In good mental and physical health
  • Free from any uncontrolled medical concerns
  • Non-smoking or willing to quit 
  • Realistic expectations 
  • Has not found relief through dieting and exercise 

How Is My Personalized Thigh Lift Performed? 

Thigh lift surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia and takes roughly 2-4 hours to complete. Thigh lift incisions vary according to your unique treatment plan and the amount of skin, fat, and tissue that needs to be removed.

The surgeon may opt to utilize liposuction in combination with excision to further sculpt your upper legs and remove pockets of stubborn fat that do not respond to exercise.

Your surgeon will perform a medial or vertical thigh lift technique.

Medial thigh lift — Here, the incisions are placed within the creases of the groin, extending to the lower buttocks.

Vertical thigh lift — Skin and tissue is removed from the inner thighs using a vertical incision that stretches from the groin to the inner leg near the knee.

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Our Facility

The LaVie Institute is home to a state-of-the-art 8-room clinic along with 2 onsite accredited operating theaters for maximized convenience, comfort, and safety. For hand and reconstructive procedures, we provide access to our cutting-edge hospital-based clinic, affiliated with the Swedish Medical Center and other top-tier outpatient surgery centers. Our ultimate goal is a seamless, stress-free patient experience that results in elevated peace of mind and stunning outcomes.


After a thigh lift, you will need a responsible adult to drive you home and assist you for the first 24-48 hours. You should schedule childcare ahead of time to help reduce stress. Discomfort, soreness, swelling, and bruising are all normal side effects after surgery and can be well-controlled with pain medications provided by our team. 

While it may be counterintuitive, your surgeon may recommend walking right away to help boost circulation, prevent clotting, reduce constipation, and elevate your mood. However, most patients will need to take around 2 weeks off from work and avoid strenuous activity and exercise for up to 4 weeks, or as recommended by your surgeon.

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Dr. Pulikkottil was simply outstanding. From our first meeting, even over zoom, I knew I was working with an experienced professional. On the day of the surgery, I appreciated his calm demeanor and comforting words. He met with me before and after and discussed the entire process and told me what to expect for recovery. The results speak for themselves. He and his entire staff are simply the best. I would not consider going anywhere else.

Jason Smith

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