Reviving Skin Wellness

The skin is among the body’s most precious assets. Whether you are seeking to reverse the signs of aging or are dealing with the aftereffects of skin cancer, we understand the importance of restoring the appearance and function of your body’s largest organ. From our customized skin analysis sessions to our innovative skincare devices and world-class technology, LaVie stands as a leading sanctuary for skin vitality and wellness.

Snow covered mountain

Why Choose the LaVie Institute for Skincare?

As active, involved leaders at the Advanced Skin Cancer Tumor Board at the Swedish Medical Center, our team of caring and experienced providers can craft transformative skincare regimens that restore luminosity and a positive self-image. We choose our skincare products and treatments for their efficacy and thoroughness, and we combine multiple modalities to address imperfections from a variety of angles. Rather than merely correcting your concerns superficially, we champion comprehensive skincare strategies that begin at a core level.

What is VISIA Skin Analysis?

VISIA is an advanced skincare analysis tool that captures images of the face from multiple angles, creating a more in-depth impression of the patient’s complexion concerns. Using computerized images, VISIA can help map out changes in skin quality over time. Patients will enjoy an enhanced understanding of how to improve wrinkles, lines, spots, UV damage, texture irregularities, and hyperpigmentation.

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