Revitalized Chest Confidence

For men struggling with gynecomastia, many enjoyable activities such as going to the beach or participating in sports may be curtailed by body image concerns. Our treatment for gynecomastia in Denver removes excess breast tissue and fat, revitalizing the chest appearance, expanding wardrobe options, and enhancing self-confidence and emotional security.

Shirtless man smiling

Why Choose The LaVie Institute of Plastic Surgery?

Our practice provides concierge-level care in a safe, accredited environment. Our convenient, rapid recovery times mean patients can return to their normal lives faster, feeling empowered and confident. Our goal is for each client to rediscover their true selves and experience a healthy, positive self-image.

Every treatment at The LaVie Institute is personalized to the individual — their aesthetic sensibilities, comfort levels, lifestyle, and unique appearance concerns. This patient-centric approach sets our board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons apart as trusted leaders in their fields.

What is Gynecomastia Treatment?

Gynecomastia is a common medical concern among men in which glandular tissue becomes enlarged, resulting in feminine-looking chest contours. The condition can occur in men of all ages and is most often due to hormonal imbalance, medications, or the use of certain drugs.

Undergoing male breast reduction in Denver is a leading solution for restoring a flat, sculpted chest and our experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons deliver game changing results that strategically transform the upper body. The procedure involves the excision of excess tissue and the removal of fat using liposuction.

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Had a great experience with Ryan and his team. They made the whole process smooth and uplifting. Cannot thank them enough!


What Are the Advantages of Gynecomastia Treatment?

  • Restores a sculpted, masculine-looking chest
  • Trims excessive breast tissue, skin, and fat in the upper body
  • Allows men to enjoy going shirtless 
  • Increases social comfort and self-confidence
  • Provides a more youthful-looking, athletic physique

Am I a Candidate for the Procedure?

For men who have found it impossible to contour their chests through dieting and exercise and who have received a diagnosis of true gynecomastia, undergoing male breast reduction in Denver may be an ideal solution. The best candidates are physically and mentally healthy non-smokers who are at or close to their goal weights and who are realistic in their expectations for their results.

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What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia may have different causes in different clients. Commonly, it is due to hormonal imbalances between estrogen and androgen. Low testosterone (hypogonadism) may also contribute to the formation of enlarged breast tissue. 

Note that overweight or obese patients may suffer from pseudogynecomastia rather than true glandular tissue enlargement. The following conditions may lead to gynecomastia:

  • Alcoholism or drug abuse
  • Steroid use
  • Adrenal tumors
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Klinefelter syndrome (genetic)
  • Bacterial or fungal infections
  • Enlarged prostate gland
  • Certain medications 

Our World-Class Facility

The LaVie Institute of Plastic Surgery houses 8 state-of-the-art clinic suites equipped with cutting-edge technology and a soothing, restorative decor. Our board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons perform procedures in our two accredited operating theaters onsite. Additionally, we perform hand and reconstructive surgeries at our hospital-based clinic, affiliated with the prestigious Swedish Medical Center.

Swedish Medical Center in Denver

How is my Gynecomastia Treatment Personalized?

Your surgery is tailored to your unique concerns and body type. The procedure takes 1-2 hours and is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. You will need to arrange transportation home from the clinic. 


To combat loose skin and excess tissue, your surgeon will make incisions around the areola, where scarring will later be well-concealed. Once the redundant skin and tissue are removed, the area is sutured and the patient is placed in the recovery suite.


Liposuction can be used in tandem with excision to combat excess stubborn fat in the chest and reveal more chiseled contours. Some men, especially those dealing with pseudogynecomastia may achieve their best results using liposuction alone, provided they have minimal skin laxity.

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After surgery, patients receive compression garments to help minimize swelling and keep the newly sculpted chest contours intact. Prescription pain medications will be provided along with a detailed and personalized aftercare plan.

Sutures are removed at one week post-op. Drains may be placed for 2-3 days to help escort any excess fluids and blood out of the body. Most patients can resume work within the first week and exercise within 2-4 weeks.


What will my consultation entail?

Can my gynecomastia treatment be combined with other procedures?

What will my consultation entail?

During your initial meeting with our team, we will examine you physically, review your medical history, and create a treatment plan that is unique to your concerns. The underlying causes of your chest tissue enlargement will be diagnosed and we will discuss your surgical options in depth, going over the risks, benefits, and recovery.

Can my gynecomastia treatment be combined with other procedures?

Many male patients take the opportunity to undergo additional cosmetic enhancements that revitalize their look from head to toe. They may pursue facial sculpting, liposuction or tummy tuck to sculpt the midsection, or pectoral augmentation with chest implants. During your consultation, our team can develop a customized treatment plan to address all of your aesthetic goals.

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